Angel Dee's Coins and Collectibles®


Indian Head Cents

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PQPremium quality coins for the grade.
Gold ShieldCoins graded under the PCGS Gold Shield service (formerly the Secure service).
CACCoins have the GREEN CAC sticker on the holder, unless otherwise noted.
REDNew coins in the inventory.
            Highlighted coins in the inventory.
DateGradeNotesPricePhotoInquire /
1860 T-1PCGS MS64Gold Shield.$650View photoInquire/Reserve
1862PCGS PR65Gold Shield.$2,300View photoInquire/Reserve
1862PCGS MS64Gold Shield.$540View photoInquire/Reserve
1863PCGS MS64Gold Shield.$550View photoInquire/Reserve
1864-LPCGS MS64BN$950View photoInquire/Reserve
1864-LANACS MS64BN$850View photoInquire/Reserve
1865 Fancy 5PCGS MS65RB(PQ)Gold Shield.$1,050View photoInquire/Reserve
1866PCGS MS65+RBGold Shield.$3,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1867PCGS PR65BNGold Shield.$1,200View photoInquire/Reserve
1867PCGS MS65BNCAC.$1,250View photoInquire/Reserve
1867/67PCGS MS65RBCAC.$7,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1868PCGS MS65RBCAC.$1,500View photoInquire/Reserve
1868PCGS MS64RBGold Shield. CAC.$850View photoInquire/Reserve
1868PCGS MS64BN$600View photoInquire/Reserve
1869PCGS PR66BNGold Shield. Pop 6/1. Rotated reverse.$5,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1872PCGS PR66RBGold Shield.$4,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1872PCGS MS65RBGold Shield.$3,600View photoInquire/Reserve
1872PCGS MS63BNGold Shield. Shallow N variety.$1,700View photoInquire/Reserve
1873 Closed 3PCGS MS64RBGold Shield. CAC.$1,400View photoInquire/Reserve
1877PCGS EF40Gold Shield.$2,600View photoInquire/Reserve
1883PCGS PR64RB$600View photoInquire/Reserve
1883PCGS MS66RBCAC.$1,300View photoInquire/Reserve
1883PCGS MS64BN$225View photoInquire/Reserve
1884PCGS PR66+RBGold Shield.$1,700View photoInquire/Reserve
1885PCGS PR66BNGold Shield.$1,150View photoInquire/Reserve
1886 T-1PCGS MS65RB$1,500View photoInquire/Reserve
1895PCGS MS64BN$175View photoInquire/Reserve
1898PCGS PR65BN(PQ)Gold Shield.$1,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1901PCGS PR66BNGold Shield.$1,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1901PCGS MS64BN$140View photoInquire/Reserve
1906PCGS MS66RDGold Shield.$2,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1907PCGS MS67RBGold Shield. Pop 2/0.$7,500View photoInquire/Reserve
1908PCGS MS64RB(PQ)$190View photoInquire/Reserve
1908PCGS MS64RB$170View photoInquire/Reserve
1908-SPCGS MS65RB(PQ)Gold Shield.$2,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1908-SPCGS MS65BNCAC.$1,750View photoInquire/Reserve
1908-SPCGS VG10$115View photoInquire/Reserve
1909-SPCGS MS64BN$2,200View photoInquire/Reserve
1909-SNGC MS64BN$2,000View photoInquire/Reserve
1909-SPCGS VF35$600View photoInquire/Reserve
1909-SPCGS VF30$550View photoInquire/Reserve

Note that the information on this list is subject to change without notice, due to inventory changes, price fluctuations and typographical errors.


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